Fan convectors have long been recognised as the simplest and most cost-effective solution for rapidly heating a classroom. With their efficient heat distribution capabilities, the Biddle Forceflow fan convectors ensure that warm air quickly spreads throughout the space. Additionally, the Forceflow fan convectors occupy less space compared to equivalent-output radiators, making them a practical choice for room heating.

The advantages of fan convectors include:

  1. Quick heat: Fan convectors provide fast and efficient heating, ensuring a comfortable environment in no time.
  2. Good heat distribution: With their powerful fans, fan convectors evenly distribute heat throughout the room, eliminating cold spots.
  3. A wide variety of styles: Choose from a diverse range of fan convector styles to match the aesthetics and requirements of any space.
  4. Simple installation: Installing fan convectors is straightforward, allowing for hassle-free integration into your heating system.
  5. A range of control options: Enjoy flexibility and convenience with various control options available for fan convectors, tailored to your preferences.

Biddle offers the Forceflow range of fan convectors, featuring 21 styles designed for a wide range of applications. Whether you need low surface temperature options, compatibility with new heating technologies such as heat pumps, Biddle has the right fan convector for your needs.

To learn more about our range of fan convectors, visit the Forceflow information on our website.

Alternatively, you can contact our experts at 02476384233. We're here to assist you with your latest projects and provide the ideal heating solutions for your requirements.