The Biddle Invisidor CITY advanced air curtains not only enhance the comfort of building occupants but also optimise the building's energy efficiency by preventing the escape of warm air and conditioning incoming air. By carefully controlling air volume, speed, and discharge temperature, these air curtains ensure draught-free entrance areas, guaranteeing a pleasant experience for everyone.

The Invisidor CITY CB air curtains are engineered to operate effectively with the lower water temperatures utilised by condensing boilers and heat pumps. Their purpose-designed heater battery/coil features a large surface area that significantly improves heat transfer. With six different sizes and four casing styles available, these air curtains can deliver up to 18kW of heating capacity, catering to various door heights, including those up to 3.2m.

Biddle's Invisidor range offers the most comprehensive selection of air curtains to date.

As designers, installers, and building owners increasingly prioritise energy efficiency, they can rely on Biddle's expertise in this field.

Experience the value of Biddle's Invisidor CITY CB air curtains and take a step towards optimising your building's energy consumption.