Scenario 1: Retail Premises with Open Main Doors For business owners who prefer to leave their main doors open, especially in retail premises, concerns about heating expenses during colder months can arise. The recommended solution is air curtains, which effectively "seal the gap" between the exterior and interior environments, acting as a virtual doorway. Air curtains not only encourage customers to enter but also maintain heat inside the building, reducing heat loss.

Scenario 2: Large Buildings with High Doorways In larger buildings featuring doorways several meters high, owners may question whether air curtains can effectively reach the ground, potentially compromising performance and wasting energy. Fortunately, high-performance air curtains now exist, designed specifically for greater maximum mounting heights. By choosing the right product, you can ensure proper coverage and optimal performance.

Scenario 3: Existing Air Curtains Running Unnecessarily Businesses that already have air curtains installed may face situations where the unit runs unnecessarily, such as when doors are closed due to staff forgetfulness or inconvenience. The suggested solution is to update your air curtain to one equipped with additional controls, such as auto energy control or PIR sensors. These advanced features can be integrated into a Building Management System, enabling efficient management and performance optimization.

Scenario 4: Large Entrances in Industrial Warehouses Industrial warehouses often have multiple entrances that are too vast for standard air curtains to cover adequately. In such cases, industrial air curtains offer a more beneficial solution. These powerful units deliver high airstream levels of up to six meters in height, improving working conditions for warehouse operators while effectively reducing energy costs.

Choose the Perfect Heating Solution for Your Entrance By considering the specific needs and requirements of your business, you can select the ideal heating solution for your entrance. Whether it's air curtains, high-performance units, or industrial air curtains, finding the right product will ensure heat retention, enhance energy efficiency, and improve working conditions.